I’m in My 60s. How Often Should I Get Skin Cancer Screening?

A woman getting a skin cancer screening. Did you know that skin cancer screening in your 60s can prevent you from severe conditions later? As we age, our risk of developing skin cancer also increases. That is why regular screenings are necessary after reaching the sixth decade. 

People in their 60s are at a higher risk of developing skin cancer due to cumulative sun exposure over their lifetime. 

Additionally, factors such as weaker immune systems and slower cell regeneration contribute to higher risks of melanoma. Early detection through regular screenings can give you a better time frame to diagnose and treat the cancer.

How Often Should I Get Skin Cancer Screening?

The frequency of these screenings can vary depending on individual risk factors, medical history, and lifestyle habits.

Dermatologists generally recommend annual skin cancer screenings for those in their 60s. If you have a history of sun exposure, previous skin cancer diagnoses, or other risk factors, it’s better to screen twice a year. However, certain factors may demand more frequent screenings or additional precautions.

Factors Influencing The Frequency Of Skin Cancer Screenings

Consider these factors before you decide on cancer screening: 

  • History of Skin Cancer: Individuals with a history of skin cancer, including basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, or melanoma, may require more frequent screenings to monitor new lesions.
  • Exposure to UV Radiation: Skin cancer risk is increased by prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunshine or tanning beds.
  • Family History: A family history of skin cancer can increase an individual’s risk of developing the disease. If your parents or close relatives have melanoma or other types of skin cancer, you may need more frequent screenings.
  • Presence of Precancerous Lesions: Individuals with a history of precancerous skin lesions, such as actinic keratoses, may need more frequent screenings.

Book An Appointment For Skin Cancer Screening in Florida

If you want to opt for regular skin cancer screenings, call us at 954-807-9433 and schedule an appointment with Dania Dermatology. Early detection through screenings can significantly increase the chances of successful treatment and recovery.

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